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EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), 241
Edit Key dialog box, 476
Edit Relation dialog box, 477
SQL Server, 371-375
Windows 2000 server, 35, 39-40
Windows Server 2003, 35, 43
editorial service, 14
effective permissions, 145
EFS (Encrypted File System), 147
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 241
elements, XML, 243-244
Enable parent paths option, 335-336
encapsulation, 162-163
Base64, 279
DIME, 279, 298-301
Section 5, 256-257
Encrypted File System (EFS), 147
encrypting files and folders, 147
strong passwords, 227
Enter Web Project URL dialog box, 463
enterprise application architecture, 151-233. See also coding conventions
application perspective for, 160
behavioral patterns, 169-172
business perspective for, 160
chunky and chatty calls, 172-173
coding conventions, 177
COM+ required for, 154
content management, 215-223
creational patterns, 164-166
defined, 159-160
design patterns, 163-172
enterprise terminology, 161-162
IIS as element of, 154
information perspective for, 160
layers, 172-177
MSMQ support for, 154-155
.NET Enterprise Services, 195-196
.NET Framework, 156-159
.NET Remoting, 211-215
OOP and, 162-163
security issues, 224-229
structural patterns, 166-169
technology perspective for, 161
testing applications, 229-230
testing tools, 231-233
Web forms, 207-208, 210-211
Web services, 211
windows forms, 207-210
Windows Server 2003 support for, 156
enterprise application integration (EAI). See also time reporting system; UML
challenges of, 3-8
content management systems, 13-17
defined, 1
first experiences creating, 11-12
first generation solutions, 2-3
integrating business logic, 10-11
integration with outside message brokers, 9-10
legacy system integration, 5, 8-9
n-tier application model with and without, 5, 7-8
object role modeling, 30-32
types of, 8
unified modeling language, 17-30
application blocks for, 153
application protection in IIS 5.0, 322-323
characteristics of, 151-154
cluster-aware and cluster-unaware, 126
creating application pools, 343-344
defined, 82
deploying, 199-202
developing on Commerce Server, 51
environment for Web services, 235
in-process, 321
integrating with Web services, 240-242
normal flow in windows, 207-208
projects of time reporting system, 463-464
requirements for time reporting system, 410
running in IIS 5.0, 322
scalability and, 1-2
software reuse with Web services, 242
synchronizing clusters and deploying, 82
testing, 229-230
threading, 101-102
trend toward distributed, 236
uses for Web services, 236-237
Enterprise Edition, 42, 45
enterprise template for time reporting system, 462-464
enumeration naming guidelines, 182-183
envelope for SOAP messages, 250-251
EPiServer, 221-223
error handling and exceptions, 188-192
error messages in SOAP, 251-252, 257-258
error raising and handling, 189-192
exception handling in SOAP, 269-272
recommended conventions for, 188
structured exception handling, 188
event details, 86
event naming guidelines, 184-185
example application. See time reporting system
Exchange Server, 52-53
functions of, 107-109
I/O Manager in, 109
illustrated, 106
kernel and, 100-101
LPC Facility, 110
ntoskrnl.exe file, 102-103
Object Manager, 110
Process and Thread Manager, 111
Run-Time Library, 111
Security Reference Manager, 111
Support Routines, 111-112
synchronizing access to resources, 114-115
Virtual Memory Manager, 110-111
working with objects, 112-114
executive resources, 115
extensibility model, 345
Extensible Markup Language. See XML
external documentation, 180
external load balancing, 77

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