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try-catch-finally statement, 188
XML Documentation feature, 178
I/O Manager as cache manager for executive, 109
IIS 6.6, 346
setting value of ObjectCacheTTL, 330
SQL Server buffer cache, 376, 377-378
Web services, 310-311
caching database for legacy systems, 9
centralized storage design, 365-366
centralized workflow, 16-17
Certificate dialog box, 449
adding to SOAP messages, 297
digitally signed SOAP messages, 291-296
implementing server, 448-450
retrieving from SOAP requests, 290-291
security value of, 295
Certification Authorities (CAs), 148
Certification Services, 149
Chain of Responsibility pattern, 169
chunky and chatty calls, 172-173
cipher command, 147
class diagrams, 25-30
aggregation between classes, 27
association between classes, 27
defining relationships between, 420-423
determining class and attributes for, 26, 419
determining class operations, 420
function of, 25-26
hiding class attributes, 26-27
illustrated, 26
illustrating multiplicity of one to many, 28-29
inheritance in, 29
representing dependencies in, 28
time reporting system, 419-423
class naming guidelines, 181
aggregation between, 27
association between, 27
Data Factory, 473-480, 513-520
data helper, 478, 479, 480
DataAccess, 481-483
determining for class diagrams, 26
determining operations of, 420
factory, 478
hiding Facade, 162
implementing SQL Server data, 480-484
LDAP service, 497-498
UserReportFacade, 470-471
Web Service Enhancements, 304
CLB (Component Load Balancing)
about, 38, 72-73
COM+Routing Clusters and, 79-80
distributing activation requests for COM+ cluster, 79
client class calling server, 198-199
client-server communications in SOAP message, 268-269
client-side validation, 228
dynamic registration and managed, 199
.NET Remoting communication between server object and, 212-214
passing data back to, 193-194
smart, 207
trend toward thin, 236
client-side validation, 228
Cluster Administrator, 127
Cluster Parameters dialog box, 136, 452
Cluster Service. See MSCS
Cluster Type screen (New Cluster Wizard), 75
cluster-aware applications, 126
clustered indexes, 396-397
activating components with COM+ Routing Cluster and NLB Web cluster, 79, 80
administering server clusters, 63
availability and, 60
combining MSCS and NLB with, 61-62
configuring NLB cluster for time reporting system, 450-457
defined, 59
failover and failback techniques of MSCS, 70
geographically dispersed clusters, 129, 131, 135
handling with Application Center, 71-73, 97
maintaining session state, 95-97
monitoring in Application Center, 83-88
MSCS, 61
multihomed NLB cluster, 65
multisite cluster solutions, 128-129
NLB, 61
overview, 59, 97-98
quorum resources, 129-131
remote control for NLB cluster, 141-142
scalability and, 60
setting parameters for NLB cluster, 452-453
single-node clusters, 78
SQL Server, 394-396
stand-alone cluster, 75
suitability of techniques for, 62
synchronizing clusters, 82
system requirements for, 133-134
troubleshooting NLB, 142
two-node clusters, 69-70
types of clusters, 60-63
cluster-unaware applications, 126
code reviews, 503
coding conventions, 177-195
comments, 177-180
data access strategies, 193-194
database naming conventions, 186-187
error handling and exceptions, 188-192
memory management, 192-193
miscellaneous suggestions, 192
naming, 180-185
overview, 177
security, 194-195
collection system, 14
about, 38, 40
data transaction strategies in, 194
deploying applications, 199-202
IIS 5.0 uses of, 327
n-tier architecture with, 196
queued components, 486
as requirement for enterprise application, 154
signed services, 200
COM+ clusters
application logic behind second firewall, 91-92
COM+ Application Clusters, 78-79, 80
COM+ Routing Clusters, 79-80
distributing activation requests for, 79
DMZ scenario with, 90-91
exposing business logic as Web services, 92-93
networks with single firewall, 89-90
combined technologies for data storage, 366-367, 369-370
Command pattern, 169-170
comments, 177-180
Commerce Server. See Microsoft Commerce Server
common language runtime (CLR), 157-158
Common Type System (CTS), 158
Component Load Balancing. See CLB
Component Services Administration tool, 507
components. See also serviced components
content, 13
data access, 176-177
defined, 161
internal, 108-109
of kernel mode, 105-106
queued, 486
registering on application server, 506
of user mode, 105-106, 107
Composite pattern, 167-168
Configuration Manager, 467-468, 506
configuring path to LDAP, 507-508
Connect dialog box, 454
Connect to Server dialog box, 89
connection string, 507-508
consistency of Web service transactions, 307
const field names, 183
constrained, delegated authentication, 353
ConstructionEnabled attribute, 205-206
content components, 13
content management, 215-223. See also Microsoft Content Management Server
analyzing requirements for, 215-219
author support by, 17
centralized and decentralized workflow, 16-17
content management formula, 216-219
need for, 13
parts of content management system, 14
problems with, 14-17
quality of content, 16
rewriting content, 15-16
selecting tools for, 15-19
structure and navigation, 16
systems for, 13-17
tools for, 220-223
content management systems, 13-17
parts of, 15
rewriting content for, 15-16
context switching, 387
controller function, 208
controls for time reporting system login page, 499-502
convergence, 65-66
conversion, 14
cookies, 227-228
Coordination Framework, 307
Coordination service of WS-Coordination, 308-309
assessing performance in IIS 5.0, 331-332
Index Tuning Wizard requirements for, 398
creational patterns, 164-166
Custom Setup screen (Application Center), 86

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