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named pipes, 402
naming conventions, 180-185
class, 181
database, 186-187
enumeration, 182-183
event, 184-185
interface, 181-182
method, 183
parameter names, 183
property, 183-184
read-only and const field names, 183
variables, 185
NAS (network-attached storage), 363, 368, 369-370
.NET Enterprise Servers, 47-57
Microsoft Application Center Server, 48
Microsoft BizTalk Server, 48
Microsoft Commerce Server, 48-51
Microsoft Content Management Server, 52, 153-154, 220-221
Microsoft Exchange Server, 52-53
Microsoft Host Integration Server, 53-54
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server, 54-55
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), 55
Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server, 56
Microsoft SQL Server, 57
Mobile Information Server, 55-56
overview, 47
unable to install on Web Edition, 44
.NET Enterprise Services, 195-207
deployment, 199-202
n-tier architecture using, 196
overview, 195-196
serviced components, 204-207
transactions, 197-199
versioning, 202-203
.NET Framework
contributions to enterprise applications, 156-159
integral in Windows Server 2003, 40-41
.NET Remoting and, 312, 313
performance comparisons of Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 with, 430-432
transactions, 316
.NET Remoting, 211-215
architecture for, 212-214
choosing objects or Web services with, 214-215
marshal-by-value and marshal-by-reference, 213, 214
overview, 317
performance, 93-95, 315-316
security, 315
serialization and metadata description, 312-313
state management, 315
transporting data, 314-315
uses for, 211-212, 312
Web services serializer, 313
Web services vs., 312-316
network connections
data connection string, 507-508
selecting for cluster, 454
TCP/IP connection with NIC drivers, 64
Network Load Balancing. See NLB
Network Load Balancing Manager
adding or editing port rules, 453-454
choosing network connections, 454
configuring cluster parameters, 452-453
defining parameters for NIC, 455
illustrated, 138, 452, 456
opening, 451
network-attached storage (NAS), 363, 368, 369-370
New Cluster Wizard (Application Center), 74, 75, 76
New Private Queue dialog box, 485
New Project dialog box, 265, 462
NICs (network interface cards)
configuring for MSCS clustering, 134, 135
defining parameters for NLB cluster network connections, 455
NLB clustering, 135-137, 139, 141
required for Application Center setup, 81-82
structure of time reporting system virtual machines, 450
TCP/IP connection with NIC drivers, 64
nlb.exe file, 141, 142
NLB (Network Load Balancing), 63-68, 135-142
about, 38, 40, 61, 135
administering clusters in Application Center, 76
availability with, 63-64, 66-67
best practices for, 139-142
COM+ cluster using, 78-79
combining with MSCS, 61-62
configuring NLB cluster for time reporting system, 450-457
external load balancing vs., 77
how it works, 64-66
multihomed NLB cluster, 65
new features in Windows Server 2003, 137-139
pros and cons of, 67-68
remote control for, 141-142
remotely managing servers in NLB cluster, 67
scalability and, 63-64, 66
setting properties for, 67-68
troubleshooting clusters, 142
unicast and multicast modes for, 136-137
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) Service, 339
active and passive, 121-123
failover, 123-124
majority node set, 129, 131, 132
as members of same domain, 134
MSCS servers as, 68, 69
nonclustered indexes, 396-397
ntdll.dll file, 107-108
n-tier application model
illustrated, 5
integration with, 7
ordinary, 8
using Enterprise Services with COM+, 196
Windows Server 2003 editions for multitier applications, 46
ntoskrnl.exe file, 102-103
NUnit freeware, 231-233

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