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sample listings
adding certificate to SOAP messages, 297
authentication request for time reporting system security, 501-502
banking component, 232
business class, 487-488
business code for UserReport class, 472
client class calling server, 198-199
code to read DIME attachment from SOAP message, 305-306
complete Facade class, 471-472
DataAccess class, 481-483
digitally signed SOAP message, 291-294
GetUserName function, 285-286
LDAP service class, 497-498
login button code, 500-501
returning DIME attachment to SOAP response, 301-302
SaveUserReport method in facade layer, 488
SOAP client-server communications, 268-269
SOAP extension attribute class, 277-278
SOAP Web service for polling subscribing partners, 261-263
testing TransferFunds method, 232-233
ThrowComplexException method, 270-272
UserReportFacade classes, 470-471
using WS-Security username tokens, 287-290
ValidateWithdraw function, 270
verifying digitally signed SOAP body, 294-296
web.config file, 495
Web form Userreport.aspx, 492
Web service exposing authentication toward LDAP, 498-499
Web service financial account code, 266-269
Webmethod attribute, 489-490
SANs (storage area networks), 133, 362-363, 368-370
SaveUserReport method in Facade layer, 488
avoiding session state with load balancing, 96
choosing servers and, 35-36
clustering and, 60
Commerce Server and, 51
defined, 152
IIS 5.0, 334
IIS 6.0, 345-346
need for, 1-2, 72
NLB and, 63-64, 66
Web services and, 309-310
Windows 2000 Server improvements for, 37-38
Windows Server 2003 support for, 41-42, 120-121
Section 5 encoding, 256-257
Secure Communications dialog box, 450
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 350-351, 449-450
Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), 143
Active Directory, 146-147
ASP.NET elements restricting users, 495
auditing, 145-146
authentication, 143-144, 225-228, 501-502
choosing .NET Remoting or Web services for, 315
declarative, 194-195
EFS and digital signatures, 147-148
IIS 5.0 performance and, 332-333, 334-339
IIS 6.0, 346-355
implementing server certificates, 448-450
increasing concerns for, 230
input validation, 228-229
issues for enterprise application, 224-225
object-based access control, 144-145
PKI, 144, 148-150
preventing account lockouts during DoS attacks, 226
restricting access to IIS 5.0 log files, 337-339
securing Web services with WSE, 286-298
subcomponents of Windows Server 2003 subsystem, 119
time reporting system, 493-502
updating IIS 5.0, 334-335
user vs. kernel mode, 104-105
Windows Server software- and hardware-based, 103-104
WS-I specifications and support for, 280-282
Security Reference Monitor, 118
Security subsystem, 118
security tokens. See also X509 security tokens
adding username and password in SOAP header, 285-298
server-side code for retrieving, 290-291, 293
used of by WS-Security, 281
sequence diagrams, 24-25, 415-419
serialization, 212
Server Administration page (Windows Server 2003 Web Edition), 43
ServerCacheTime value, 333
servers. See also availability; .NET Enterprise Servers; virtual servers; and specific servers
availability with NLB, 63-64, 66-67
avoiding domain controllers as application, 354
client-server communications in SOAP message, 268-269
cluster monitoring, 83-85
clustering with MSCS, 68-71
general clusters, 75-76
managing with Application Center, 71-73
MSCS nodes, 68, 69
.NET Remoting communication between server object and clients, 212-214
patching IIS, 353-354
remotely managing in NLB cluster, 67
server-side code retrieving certificates from SOAP requests, 290-291, 293
types of cluster for, 60-62
VMware tests on virtual, 432-435, 439, 441-442
serviced components, 204-207
ApplicationActivation attribute, 204-205
ApplicationQueuing attribute, 205
AutoComplete attribute, 205
ConstructionEnabled attribute, 205-206
defined, 204
JustInTime Activation attribute, 206
ObjectPooling attribute, 207
Transaction attribute, 206
services-based architecture, 172
session state, 95-97
shared-nothing cluster architecture, 69, 124-125
Sharepoint Portal Server, 56
Signature element, 293-294
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service, 339
Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP
single-node clusters, 78
Singleton pattern, 165
Slammer virus, 334-335
smart clients, 207
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Service, 339
SOAP SDK kit, 264
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 246-258. See also SOAP messages
architecture of, 248-249
authorization with SOAP extension, 276-278
EAI examples with, 11-12
exception handling in, 269-272
handling binary data, 278-279
headers, 251, 272-274
input and output filters extending, 283-286
messages in, 249-250
over HTTP, 248, 254-255
over HTTPS, 255-256
over TCP/IP, 247
polling subscribing partners, 261-263
reading streams in Extension class, 278
retrieving certificates from requests, 290-291, 293
returning DIME attachment to response, 301-302
RPC and, 256-257
SOAP extension functionality, 274-275
transactions unsupported by, 260
verifying digitally signed SOAP body, 294-296
Web service financial account example, 264-269
WSE SDK, 282-286
WS-I specifications and support for security, 280-282
SOAP extensions
about, 274-275
attribute class, 277-278
implementing Web service authorization with, 276-278
reading streams in Extension class, 278
SOAP messages, 249-255
adding certificate to, 297
architecture of, 249-250
contents of fault message, 257-258
creating complete, 261-262
digitally signed, 291-294
DIME attachments for, 279
envelope, 250-251
error messages, 257-258
fault part of, 251-252
formats for, 252-254
handling binary data, 278-279
header, 251
reading DIME attachment from, 305-306
retrieving X509 certificate from, 298
tracing, 263-264
SoapWebRequest processing, 284
socket pooling, 325
sockets, 325
software reuse, Web services and, 242
spinlocks, 115
SQL Server. See Microsoft SQL Server
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
configuring, 449-450
improvements IIS 6.0, 350-351
SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security), 143
stand-alone cluster, 75
Standard Edition, 44-45
State pattern, 171
handling for Web forms, 211
managing in .NET Remoting or Web services, 315
session, 95-97
storage area networks (SANs), 133, 362-363, 368-370
stored procedures
performance and, 187
SQL Server, 403-404
Strategy pattern, 171
stretched clusters, 129
strong passwords, 227
structural patterns, 166-169
structured exception handling, 188
subsystems of Windows Server 2003, 112-114, 117-119
Support Routines, 111-112
swap files, 110
swim lane, 19, 21
access to resources, 114-115
clusters, 82
synchronization methods for executive, 115
syslogins table, 405
code supporting time reporting system, 469-473
referencing in application projects, 468-469
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter s.Binary.BinaryFormatter, 312
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter s.Soap.SoapFormatter, 312
System.XML.Serialization.XmlSerializer class, 313

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