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Abstract Factory, 164-165
abstraction, 162
Activation service of WS-Coordination, 308
Active Directory, 40
accessing via LDAP, 496-497
binding to, 497-498
IIS 5.0 management in, 320
security in, 146-147
unable to run on Web Edition, 44
virtual servers registered in, 132
active nodes, 121-123
activity diagrams in UML
illustrated, 20
swim lane, 19, 21
for time reporting system, 411-414
actors for time reporting system, 414
Adapter pattern, 166-167
Add New Application Pool dialog box, 344
Add New Project dialog box, 504
Add Project Output Group dialog box, 505
Add Reference dialog box, 466-467, 469
Add Web Reference dialog box, 491
Add/Edit Port Rules dialog box, 453
of Application Center, 88-89
MSCS, 70-71
remote management of servers in NLB cluster, 67
Advanced Digest authentication, 352
Advanced Security Settings dialog box, 145
Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, 140
aggregation, 14, 27
anonymous Web access, 442-443
API (application programming interface), 107
application bottlenecks, 333
Application Center. See Microsoft Application Center Server
Application Center Resource Kit, 77
Application Center Test (ACT), 330, 432
application layers
architecture of enterprise, 173
time reporting system, 457-458
application perspective of enterprise applications, 160
application pools, 41, 343-344
application programming interface (API), 107
application protection, 322-323
application spinlocks, 115
ApplicationActivation attribute, 204-205
ApplicationQueuing attribute, 205
applications. See enterprise applications
applications mapping, ORM model mapped to database schema, 31-32
architecture. See also enterprise application architecture
for client with Web services client protocol, 285
components of Windows Server 2003, 117
IIS 5.0, 320-327
IIS 6.0, 340-345
integrating with existing, 3-8
MSCS in Windows Server 2003, 126
.NET Remoting, 212-214
overview of enterprise application layers, 173
services-based, 172
shared-nothing, 124-125
SOAP, 248-249
SOAP messages, 249-250
SQL Server, 375-384
Windows Server 2003, 99-101
ASP pages performance counters, 333-334
flow control capabilities of, 326
self-tuning features, 327
ASP template, 346
ASP.NET worker process, 356
communications between IIS, operating system and, 355
creating Web service project in, 265-266
handling Web service requests from caller, 274
IIS support of, 41
integrating with IIS 6.6, 355-358
performance monitoring in IIS integration, 358
restricting users in, 495
aspnet_isapi.dll, 356
aspnet_wp.exe, 356
assemblies, placing in and removing from GAC, 201
AssemblyVersion attribute, 202
association, defined, 27
asterisk (*), 28-29
atomicity of Web service transactions, 307
adding to serviced components, 204
ApplicationActivation, 204-205
ApplicationQueuing, 205
AutoComplete, 205
ConstructionEnabled, 205-206
determining for class diagrams, 26, 419
hiding class, 26-27
JustInTime Activation, 206
ObjectPooling, 207
Transaction, 206
auditing, 145-146
authentication request code for time reporting system, 501-502
constrained, delegated, 353
digest, 143
implementing, 225-227
overview of methods in IIS 6.6, 351
Passport, 143, 352
protecting cookies, 227-228
SQL Server, 404-406
strong passwords and encryption of passwords, 227
time reporting system, 493-495
URL, 353
in Windows Server 2003, 143-144
Authentication Methods dialog box, 352, 443
authoring, 14
authorization framework in Windows Server 2003, 352-353
defined, 352
implementing Web service, 276-278
rewriting content, 15-16
supported by content management system, 17
AutoComplete attribute, 205
automated testing tools, 230-231
automatic file growth, 384-385
automatic testing, 503
clustering and, 60
defined, 152
need for server, 71
NLB and, 63-64, 66-67

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