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DAS (direct-attached storage), 364, 367-368, 369-370
data. See also data storage
data binding, 490
EFS and digital signature protection of, 147-148
generating and logging for cluster monitoring, 85-86
holding database resources for minimum time, 194
input validation for, 228-229
passing back to client in method calls, 193-194
retrieving with data factory class, 478-480
schema for dividing time reporting system, 426
sending binary data as SOAP messages, 279
separating SQL Server read from write, 400-401
storing metadata with .NET Remoting, 313
structure of DIME attachments, 298-301
transaction strategies in COM+, 194
transporting with .NET Remoting or Web services, 314-315
data access components, 176-177
data access layer, 161, 173, 176
data access strategies, coding, 193-194
data binding, 490
Data Center Edition, 45-46
data connection string, 507-508
Data Factory class, 473-480, 513-520
data files, 380-382
data helper class, 478, 479, 480
data storage
centralized storage design, 365-366
combining technologies for, 366-367, 369-370
distributed storage design, 364-365
NAS, 363, 368, 369-370
overview, 361-362
SQL Server database design, 389-391
DataAccess class, 481-483
database schema, ORM model mapped to, 31-32
connecting to with SQL Server, 402-403
designing time reporting system, 423-429, 458-459
holding resources for minimum time, 194
indexing time reporting system, 429
internal and logical corruption of, 395-396
logical database design, 390-391, 425-427
naming conventions for, 186-187
performance and I/O configuration in SQL Server, 391-394
saving reports for time reporting system, 414
SQL database performance and I/O configuration, 391-394
SQL Server database design, 389-391
for business layer, 175
between clients and servers for data caching, 311
about, 374
implementing typed, 473-478
DCOM (Distributed Common Object Model)
DCOM clusters, 72-73
rich clients' use of, 236
decentralized workflow, 16-17
declarative security, 194-195
Decorator pattern, 168
dedicated IP addresses
defined, 65
listing before cluster IP address, 140
default filegroups, 384
demilitarized zone (DMZ), 90
dependencies in class diagrams, 28
applications, 199-202
time reporting system, 504-509
deserialization, 212
design patterns, 163-172
Abstract Factory, 164-165
Adapter pattern, 166-167
Bridge pattern, 167
Chain of Responsibility pattern, 169
Command pattern, 169-170
Composite pattern, 167-168
Decorator pattern, 168
Facade pattern, 168
Factory Method, 165
Flyweight pattern, 168-169
illustrated, 164
Interpreter pattern, 170
Iterator pattern, 170
Mediator pattern, 170
Memento pattern, 170-171
Observer pattern, 171
overview, 163-164
Prototype pattern, 165-166
Proxy pattern, 169
Singleton pattern, 165
State pattern, 171
Strategy pattern, 171
Template Method, 171-172
Visitor pattern, 172
developing applications. See also time reporting system
on Commerce Server, 51
version policies for applications, 202-203
device drivers
component of kernel mode, 106
I/O Manager as translator for, 109
NLB, 137
wlbs.sys, 64
digest authentication, 143
digital certificates, 148
digital signatures, 147-148
digitally signed SOAP message, 291-296
DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) format
about DIME attachments, 279
creating Web service adding DIME attachment, 302-306
data structure of attachments, 298-301
reading attachment from SOAP message, 305-306
returning DIME attachment to SOAP response, 301-302
DIMEClient application, 302-306
listing in Solution Explorer, 302
user interface, 303
DIMEImages Web service
adding caching functionality to, 311-312
adding Web reference to Web service, 304
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation format. See DIME format
direct-attached storage (DAS), 364, 367-368, 369-370
directories. See also Active Directory
limiting access to time reporting system root, 445
minimizing number of virtual, 446
removing sample IIS, 336
Directory Security tab (Default Web Server Properties dialog box), 448
dirty pages, 377
Administrator and Guest accounts, 443-444
Enable parent paths option, 335-336
socket pooling, 325
unneeded services in IIS 6.0, 348-349, 354, 444-445
dispatcher objects, 115
distributed applications, 236
distributed partitioned views, 399-400
distributed software architecture, defined, 64
distributed storage design, 364-365
dllhost.exe, 322
DMS (demilitarized zone), 90
document/literal SOAP messages, 252, 253
document-style SOAP message, 252
DOS (denial-of-service attacks), 226
driver collection of executive, 108
durability of Web service transactions, 307
dynamic URLs, 492

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