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layers, 172-177. See also facade layers
business, 161, 173, 175
changing to pass calls to data layer, 498-499
data access, 161, 173, 176
enterprise architecture, 161-162
facade, 161, 162, 173, 174-175
HAL, 106, 116-117
location of data access components, 176-177
overview of, 173
UI, 161, 162, 173, 174
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 496-497
Active Directory access with, 496-497
configuring path for time reporting system to, 507-508
LDAP service class, 497-498
Web service exposing authentication toward, 498-499
legacy systems
compensating for performance, 9
implementing changes effecting, 6
integrating, 5, 8-9
n-tier application model with integration for, 7
Web services with, 237
wrapper to, 9
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP
load balancing. See CLB; clustering; MSCS; NLB
Load Balancing screen (New Cluster Wizard), 76
Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, 67-68
local named pipes, 402-403
local partitioned views, 399
Local Procedure Call (LPC) Facility, 110
Local Security Authority, 118
lock levels in SQL Server, 385-387
log files, 380-382
enabling for virtual Web server cluster, 446-447
monitoring Application Center, 86-88
in Network Load Balancing Manager, 139
Logging Properties dialog box, 338
logical corruption, 395
logical database design about, 390-391
transforming time reporting system ORM model to, 425-427
to IIS without administrative privileges, 353
time reporting system login page, 500
login button code, 500-501
logon process in Windows Server 2003, 119
LPC (Local Procedure Call) Facility, 110

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