Safari creating bookmarklets in CSS support in defaults in dictionary lookup in JavaScript alert boxes and JavaScript Console oncontextmenu and onload events and support of external JavaScript files thesaurus lookup in sample scripts Ajax auto-completing form fields example parsing server data previewing links refreshing server data automatically requesting server data bookmarklets background color, changing to white converting kilometers to miles creating in Firefox creating in Internet Explorer creating in Safari CSS styles, changing with ensuring Web-standard valid markup generating list of accented characters performing complex calculations performing dictionary lookups in IE performing dictionary lookups in Safari and Firefox turning RGB color values into hex viewing table of page images browser windows adding window-moving capability creating new HTML pages under scripted control loading different contents into windows moving windows to specified spots opening child window at specified screen location opening multiple windows opening multiple windows with single click opening new windows opening/closing child windows parent window with open and close links for child window updating from parent and child windows cookies and JavaScript alerting user to new content arrays to deal with multiple cookies counting cookies deleting cookies displaying cookies id in HTML page to insert cookie result "New to You" messages, displaying reading previously set cookie and sending to document window setting browser cookie CSS adding style to body and img tags applying id selector to style changing body and img rules for absolute positioning changing color and behavior of links within text changing fonts embedding style rules within another style formatting text with CSS formatting text with standard HTML and no CSS styles inserting background image, specifying source and attributes dynamic pages checking time of day and responding converting between 24- and 12-hour time converting military time to 12-hour time countdowns, creating counting down days CSS for object moving determining weekday or weekend displaying any time zone object moving writing current date to document windows event handling capturing and handling double-clicks controlling window stacking with onfocus handler displaying eyeballs that follow user fixing Netscape 4.X's dynamic content redraw bug onblur handler in forms to trigger actions when user leaves field setting multiple onload attributes using onblur to keep window in front using onkeydown handler to trigger slide changes form handling adding blocks to switch/case conditional "Car Picker" example (form validation) comparing value of fields controlling/setting field entries from user choices CSS sets style for invalid form elements eliminating incorrect letters from Zip codes for password check example forms for active site navigation framework to add validation checks highlighting incorrect field's label when finding errors pop-up menus listing months not days scanning text in email fields for proper addresses select-and-go menu selecting values from one pop-up menu to create contents of another forms and regular expressions capitalizing list of names email validation example rearranging entered list of names replacing elements with RegExp sorting group of names validating email with RegExp validating file names validating/formatting user-entered phone numbers frames calculating contents of iframe counting page visits creating an iframe forcing page into frameset forcing page onto separate page forcing site into frame frameset containing forced page frameset page calling JavaScript file for site enforcement loading dynamic frames from other frames loading HTML pages into content iframe loading multiple frames setting frame targets sharing functions between multiple frames storing information in frames images banner images, cycling between cycling banners, adding links to cycling banners, creating multiple rollovers, reference to external script random image, starting cycling show with random images, displaying rollover from text link rollover within image link tags rollovers, creating more flexible rollovers, creating simple rollovers, creating smoother animation single rollover, triggering with multiple links 2nd slideshow with links for movement three-state rollovers, building JavaScript applied bar graph generation pull-down menus silly name generator slideshow with captions sliding menus switching style sheets JavaScript basics alert windows, creating commenting scripts enclosing scripts in <script> and </script> HTML tags enhancing links with JavaScript querying users redirecting users with links referencing external JavaScript files referrer pages, working with JavaScript language essentials arrays, changing contents of calling scripts multiple ways do/while loops example handling errors with try/throw/catch command loop example (Bingo card) multi-level conditionals and switch/case statements object detection passing values to functions returning values from functions using arrays objects and DOM adding text nodes adding, deleting, replacing text adding/deleting specific text deleting text node with link inserting text replacing nodes YUI Library adding animation to objects adding logger control for debugging adding one-up calendar with YUI Library adding two-up calendars with YUI Library dragging and dropping page elements Slideshow Builder scripts using container utility sans-serif fonts 2nd scope, of variables <script> tags <style> tags and defined enclosing scripts in 2nd in CSS 2nd old browsers and script text and Scripting, Unobtrusive
scripts [See also sample scripts.] body scripts, defined calling multiple ways comments, placing in defined embedding HTML within external header, defined internal location of online sources of security problems in IE 2nd select tag select-and-go navigation selected attribute selectors, CSS semicolon (;) for ending statements in JavaScript 2nd 3rd serif fonts for style sheets server calls, asynchronous server data, and Ajax parsing reading refreshing server-side programs, defined setTime() method setTimeout command 2nd silly name generator Simple Dialog containers single quotes ('), in bookmarklets single-line comments size absolute sizes in CSS relative sizes in CSS size attribute slash (/) operator, RegExp Slideshow Builder scripts slideshows allowing users to control building wraparound with captions sliding menus Smith, Dori sorting strings spaces, in width/length parameters <span> tags defined special characters generating list of accented in RegExp split("") command 2nd 3rd src attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th statements braces {}, in conditional if...else conditional semicolon (;), for ending switch/case storage, in frames string methods, of RegExp object strings JavaScript RegExp and extracting formatting and sorting formatting and validating formatting basics string values, defined <style> tag, CSS 2nd style sheets
[See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).] styles adding to pages changing with bookmarklets submit button substring() command Sun Microsystems, Java for Windows switch/case statements switcher, style sheets syntax @import syntax, CSS dot syntax, defined 2nd